What Is the Green Revolution?
India is less productive in agriculture. Meaning production is not happening as much as it should be.
When India became independent, the biggest problem was the food grain. Because the food grain was decreasing here. India had to ask for food grain from other countries. Now you can think that when you are asking for other countries, then they had to do what they gave. Then it was thought that why should not India increase production too much and if we ask from other countries, then we can give our food grains to the other countries. Green Revolution started for that.
So what is the Green Revolution? So the No Doubt Green Revolution is what we can produce more and more food grains. So it has to be tested first, neither can the whole of India be tested. Therefore, at someplace, it was verified that at this place we will use modern technology, and use good seeds. So how much production will be seen? Scenes In 1960, the old technology was replaced by modern technology. This new technology, used in 7 districts in 1960-1961, was named IADP (Intensive Agriculture District Program). Later, HIVP (High yield Varieties Program) was added to the IADP and it was extended within the entire countries. This is called the Green Revolution.
Positive Impact of the Green Revolution
Green Revolution was started in two phases, first of all from mid-1960 to 1975 (Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu). These states were chosen because the high seed must have chemicals to grow, the technology should be good, the pesticides will be applied. So Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu were the most growing states at that time. Punjab benefited the most from Green Revolution Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu did not gain so much.
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So it was here in the first phase and in the second phase, this Green Revolution spread all over the country. The second Green Revolution phase was from mid-1970 to 1990. First of all, what was targeted and got great productions. The average was 0.8 tones in 1948, from 1965 to 1970, production went to 4.8 tones. The production of food grains went 25% high from 1965 to 1966. Food production was high, we became very successful. Production from 65 tones was done from 1995 to 1996. Then we moved to rice and we did awesome in rice production, the production of rice also increased visually and yes it was for the Khalif season. Rice is the most staple food in India, and rice is the largest area in India. If the temperature is 21 to 25 degrees, then a moderate climate is needed in a way, but water is needed here the most. Therefore, it is grown in a place with high humidity.
When production increased, India became an exporter. Became India Exporter for the first time, brought technology to India. Surrey farmers learned new technologies. People of India went out, brought new technology from India, How to use the pesticides in different Knowledge Lay India, Tubes well irrigation came, tank irrigation came, different irrigation technologies were brought to India. After that, there was some efficiency in transportation. And the biggest thing, a lot of people got jobs, employing employment.
Demerits of Green Revolution
Negative impact caused a horrific green revolution, regional disparity became the biggest problem. In these regional disparities, the big farmers took more advantage because the technology was expensive, So this expensive technology will not be able to afford poor farmers, pesticides will not be able to afford, chemicals will not be able to do it, Then the poor farmers used to sell their land. Due to this, the problem grew much more because the opposite of the straightforward garrison farmers came to distress, what should we do, Big Farmers got a big benefit. And due to this, regional differences came to Khalistan Moment.
There was also a political impact of this revolution, a big leader in politics supported the big party's and this led to more regional disparities. The second-largest impact of this revolution was read on water pollution. People started adding chemicals, adding a large number of Pesticides to their crops, that too without knowledge, due to which water pollination started.
Then the third demerits were that the production of these vegetables and fruits became so much that their prices fell, then the poor farmers did not get any benefit but suffered more. Big farmers were rich who took all the affords but the poor farmers suffered, Due to which the poor farmers started to block the government and very riots broke out. These problems occurred due to not giving proper education to farmers.
There was also a political impact of this revolution, a big leader in politics supported the big party's and this led to more regional disparities. The second-largest impact of this revolution was read on water pollution. People started adding chemicals, adding a large number of Pesticides to their crops, that too without knowledge, due to which water pollination started.
Then the third demerits were that the production of these vegetables and fruits became so much that their prices fell, then the poor farmers did not get any benefit but suffered more. Big farmers were rich who took all the affords but the poor farmers suffered, Due to which the poor farmers started to block the government and very riots broke out. These problems occurred due to not giving proper education to farmers.
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Dr. MS Swaminathan Report
Dr. MS Swaminathan is the Father of the Green Revolution, They conduct Green Revolution and because of this, the Green Revolution was successful. This report has been stuck since 2006, Some things have been implemented, but the whole implementation is still pending. Following its recommendations-
• All the technologies, whatever irrigation facility is there, give it to all the farmers because this is what I do in Crisis. Land Reforms This is very much necessary.
• Land Reforms This is very much necessary. If proper land reforms are not done then there will be problems. Reduce some industry and give those lands to the farmers. We support agriculture by reducing some industries.
• Small village knowledge centers should be set up, knowledge centers should be made for farmers who educate them. Why until there is no knowledge of agriculture, modern technology is not going to happen.
• MSP (Minimum Support Price) increases by about 50%.
• Increase the income of the farmers, generate employment techniques. How will all this happen? When you give technology to the farmers, they will teach them, they will tell them how to increase their agricultural production. And the most important thing is that the income of poor farmers should be as much as the income of civil servants. Then our farmer will be happy, then we have to do so many things for our farmers.
• Small village knowledge centers should be set up, knowledge centers should be made for farmers who educate them. Why until there is no knowledge of agriculture, modern technology is not going to happen.
• MSP (Minimum Support Price) increases by about 50%.
• Increase the income of the farmers, generate employment techniques. How will all this happen? When you give technology to the farmers, they will teach them, they will tell them how to increase their agricultural production. And the most important thing is that the income of poor farmers should be as much as the income of civil servants. Then our farmer will be happy, then we have to do so many things for our farmers.