What is Fertilizer?
A Natural or Chemical Substance That is Used to Make the Soil More Suitable For Growing Plants. All Plants Need Nutrients to Grow and Give Soil, Sunlight, and Water, Most are able to Make Their Own Food Through Photosynthesis. Fertilizer Provides Extra Helping of Substance That Encourages Plants to Excel in Qualities Gardeners Desire.
History of Fertilizer
Ancient Human Used Decomposing Matter to Encourage Their Crops, But the First Manufactured Fertilizer Was an Early 19th Century "Super Phosphate" Made of Bones and Sulphuric Acid. Chemical Fertilizer Developed by the Tennessee Valley Authority Revolutionized Fertilizer Production. With Time, Natural Fertilizer Become More Refined. For Instance, the Ancient Egyptian Added Ashes From Burned Weeds to Soil, Other Materials Used in Ancient Times Included Sea Shall, Clay and Vegetable Waste. Starting From the 17th Century, People Researched Other Modes of Fertilization, Particularly Those of a Chemical Nature. For Instance, German-Dutch Chemist Johan Glauber (c. 1604 to 1670), Develop the First Mineral Fertilizer, Which Comprised Salpeter, Lime, Phosphoric Acid, Nitrogen, and Potash.
In the Year of 1803 - 1873 Justus Von Liebig Discovered that Plants Needs Minerals Elements Such as Nitrogen and Phosphorus For Optimal Growth. His Work Led to a Half-Century of Exploring the Chemical Needs of Plants to Improve on Fertilizer Composition. For This, He is referred to as the ''Father of the Fertilizer Industry.'' Sir Jones Lawes (1814 to 1900) Would Discover Superphosphate. Which Becomes the First Chemical Fertilizer.
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By the 20th Century, it Was Understood That the Core Plant Nutrients are Nitrogen and Phosphorus, and Potassium. Nitrogen is Considered the Most Needed Nutrients is an Essential Building Block For Assembling Amino Acids, Nucleic Acids, and Protein. Plants With Less Nitrogen Tend to be Smaller, Less Fruitful and Have a More of a Yellowish Colour. With That Knowledge of Plant Chemical Needs, the Chemical Fertilizer Industry Experienced Significant Growth, Particular After World War 1, Which Ended in 1918.
Although Organic Fertilizer is Still Used Today Throughout the World, Chemical Fertilizers are More Popular, Also Research is Still Being Conducted to Reduced the Harmful Environmental Effects of Fertilizer Use, as well as Discovering New, Less Costly Sources of Fertilizers.
About Fertilizer
Fertilizer is Just Manner Blended With Soil, Right? This Misconception About the Soil Fertilization Can Give Gardeners Disappointing Results in Mid Growing Season When Plants are Not Flowering and Fruiting to Their Potential. To Cultivate Healthier Lawns and Gardens, Soil Must be Amended and Fertilized Regularly With the Correct Kind. Basically, Fertilizer is Composed of Three Main Elements Found in Nature: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium. Combinations of There Three Elements are Found Listed on Fertilizer Bags in a Ratio Such as 2:3:2 or 2 Part Nitrogen, 3 Part Phosphorus and 2 Part Potassium. The Different Combinations Will Alter How the Fertilizer is Applied to the Soil.
Ammonium Sulphate as a Lawn Fertilizer
Fertilizing Your Lawn With Ammonium Sulphate Provides a Quick-Release Boost For Grass. Containing 21% Nitrogen and 24% Sulphur and Available as a Granular and Liquid Feed. Ammonium Sulphate is a Mineral Fertilizer Product Suitable for Cool Season and Warm Season Lawns. Its Effect Last Four to Six Weeks. Don't Exceed Recommended Applications Rate Because Over Fertilizing With Ammonium Sulphate Can Burn Grass. Applications Rates and Timing Vary According to Grass Type.
Benefits of Fertilizer
Arguably the biggest advantage of chemical
fertilizers are that they tend to cost much less than
organic fertilizers The higher cost of organic
fertilizers are due not only to the need to harvest
the organic material to use in the fertilizers but also tot the higher costs of being certified organic by government regulatory agencies The promise of
the equivalent nutritional content and lower purchasing Costs greatly popularized synthetic fertilizers and, according to one scholarly source, "has greatly increased crop yields and made, the green industry more cost-efficient."
fertilizers are that they tend to cost much less than
organic fertilizers The higher cost of organic
fertilizers are due not only to the need to harvest
the organic material to use in the fertilizers but also tot the higher costs of being certified organic by government regulatory agencies The promise of
the equivalent nutritional content and lower purchasing Costs greatly popularized synthetic fertilizers and, according to one scholarly source, "has greatly increased crop yields and made, the green industry more cost-efficient."
Other Conversations
In addition to personal choices with regards to cost, environmental concerns, and growth choices, there are other considerations to make when trying to choose what fertilizer is right for your garden. Many plants respond better to one type of fertilizer versus another. In other words, organic fertilizer is not categorically more beneficial to plants than is chemical fertilizer, and neither is the reverse true. The choice of which fertilizer to use should be based primarily on the plants you are going and you are own performances.
Chemical Fertilizer vs Organic Fertilizer
Chemical Fertilizer
1. Chemical fertilizer is very expensive which farmers cannot afford.
2. Chemical fertilizers consist of many types of chemicals. If we put those fertilizers in the fields then the fields become barren.
3. This fertilizer kills the microorganisms, causing the microorganisms that fertilize the soil to die and the soil fertilizers do not.
4. Chemical fertilizer is the biggest cause of water eruption due to which water is not able to enter the ground.
5. These fertilizers are also the cause of water pollution. These fertilizers make the rainy water untidy and spread water pollution.
6. Chemical fertilizer takes a lot of time to make the plant grow.
7. Today's demand for chemical fertilizers is high and supply is low due to which the price of chemical fertilizers is increasing daily.
Organic Fertilizer
1. Organic fertilizers control the soil erosion and protect the environment from pollution.
2. Chemical fertilizers are not successful in holding water, but the organic fertilizer has a higher water holding capacity.
3. Organic fertilizers increase the fertility of the soil due to which the crop is also harvested.
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4. The organic fertilizer does not deteriorate the quality of the soil but increases further
5. The organic fertilizer gives all types of nutrients to the soil, making it easy to get all the nutrients in the vegetables too.
6.Organic fertilizers are cheap in chemical fertilizers, which farmers can easily afford
7. Organic fertilizers do not burn the roots of the plants, but rather provide more nutrients to them.
8.Organic fertilizers grow plants quickly and are easy to handle.
6.Organic fertilizers are cheap in chemical fertilizers, which farmers can easily afford
7. Organic fertilizers do not burn the roots of the plants, but rather provide more nutrients to them.
8.Organic fertilizers grow plants quickly and are easy to handle.